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Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification /EICC/



Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification /EICC/


6-Days Certified Training Program for Emotional Intelligence Coaches:



Module 1 -  EQ-i 2.0 online self-assessment test + debriefing


Module 2 - Introduction, history, our brain, universal emotions,                                 emotional episode, emotions in the body, psychopathology

Module 3 - Basic concepts of EI, our inner world, our needs, value

                   system, levels of listening effective listening, linguistics,                         visualisations

Module 4 - 15 EI skills- self regard, self actualisation, emotional self                         awareness, emotional expression, assertiveness,

                   indépendance, interpersonal, relationships, empathy,

                   social responsibility, problem solving, reality testing,

                   impulse control, flexibility, stress tolerance, optimism

Module 5 - Brain waves, mindfulness concept, what is mindfulness and

                   why we need to practice it? coaching sessions demos, Q/A

Module 6 - Final exam, feedback

Who can apply?

psychologists, psychotherapists, educators, HR specialists, social workers, recruitment specialists, coaches, all, with experience in their field, who want to add EI to their own competency package.


Online - zoom platform

Registration form




The cost per participant is 1200 euro.

The fee is paid in 4 instalments, the deadlines being specified in the registration form:

*200 euro - module 1 - application fee

                   (non refundable).The EQ level of each candidate is

                   measured with EQ-i 2.0 test. The qualified applicants

                   continue to module 2. The rest will receive guidance                         for developing the EI skills. They may apply for further


*200 euro - module 2 - after acceptance in the course

*400 euro - module 3 and 4 - 10 days before the start of the


*400 euro - module 5 and 6 - 10 days before the start of the



Bank transfer to:




ul.Burya, 13/a

Sofia 1619

Pavlina Fistolera


Bank account:



IBAN BG56FINV91501016527981

basis for transfer - training EICC



The fee includes:

  • EQ-i 2.0 assessment test (21 pages detailed EQ Skills   Report) for each participant

  •   Materials


To join the training you need to register and send a short biography and answer the question - Why do I want to become a EI coach? to the attention of Dr.ssa Polly Fistolera at email address


Please fill out the registration form:


* Registrations are complete after the quota is exhausted.


For more information, do not hesitate to contact us:

+359 877 377 505 Dr.ssa Polly Fistolera - team BISEI

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Bulgarian Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence

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